Top 10 Demo Automation Software for 2024


Author: Emilia Dariel
Top demo automation software

Time is money in B2B sales, and nothing eats up time like scheduling product demos. The endless back-and-forth emails, the frantic calendar juggling — it's enough to make your head spin. But what if there was a better way? Imagine if prospects could experience your product on their own time, whenever they're ready. That's the power of demo automation software.

With pre-recorded, customizable demos at their fingertips, buyers can explore your solution on their terms. The best part is that there are no scheduling nightmares required, since most buyers do substantial research before even talking to sales. If you need another reason to adopt demo automation software, consider that research shows that 65% of sales leaders who invest in their enablement teams outperform revenue targets.

Demo automation software gives your sales team a serious advantage. With a streamlined demo process, you'll shorten sales cycles, close more deals, and free up your team to focus on driving revenue. Let's review the top demo automation software that can take your sales demos to the next level.

What is demo automation software?

Demo automation software is a strategic tool designed to streamline and enhance the product demonstration process, and is a vital component of a robust sales enablement strategy. It allows businesses to create pre-recorded, interactive demos that prospects can access on-demand, and it eliminates the need for time-consuming live demo sessions.

This software is particularly valuable for companies that require an in-depth explanation of complex products or services. Providing self-service demos allows potential buyers to explore your product at their own pace and convenience, while your sales representatives can focus on building relationships and closing deals.

Demo automation software enables you to:

  • Personalize the demo experience by tailoring demos to specific industries, use cases, or buyer personas to resonate with individual prospects.
  • Track engagement to gain valuable insights into how prospects interact with your demos, identifying areas of interest and potential roadblocks.
  • Scale your demo efforts to reach a wider audience without increasing your sales team's workload, making your demos more accessible to potential customers.

Types of Demo Automation Software

Demo automation solutions are leveraged at different stages of the sales cycle, and can be differentiated based on the following use cases:

1. Product Tours

These tools provide interactive, self-guided walkthroughs of your software product via HTML or screen capture technology, highlighting key features and benefits. Product tours can be embedded on your website or sent to prospects as leave-behinds.

2. Live Demo Solutions

Other solutions empower sales reps and sales engineers to showcase live versions of your product during demo calls. They often include features like data overlay or injection to personalize the demo experience and pre-configured accounts to demonstrate specific use cases.

3. Sandbox or POC Automation

This type of software enables you to create pre-configured or cloned environments where prospects can have a hands-on trial experience with your product. This is helpful for complex products where prospects need to understand how the solution fits into their specific workflows.

Benefits of Demo Automation Software

Demo automation software offers many benefits, including:

  • Accelerated Sales Cycles - Providing instant access to demos eliminates scheduling bottlenecks and empowers prospects to move through the sales funnel faster.
  • Increased Sales Productivity - Your sales team can focus on high-value activities rather than spending hours on repetitive demo calls.
  • Improved Lead Qualification - Tracking demo engagement provides valuable insights into prospect interest and readiness to buy, allowing you to prioritize leads effectively.
  • Enhanced Buyer Experience - Prospects can engage with your product on their terms, leading to a more positive and personalized buying journey.
  • Consistent Messaging - Ensure that every prospect receives the same polished, accurate, and up-to-date product information, regardless of who delivers the demo.
  • Scalability - Expand your reach and demo capacity without needing to hire additional sales staff.
  • Cost Savings - Reduce expenses and time spent on in-person demos.

Key Features of Demo Automation Software

When choosing demo automation software, prioritize these key features to streamline your demo creation process, enhance the buyer experience, and drive sales:

  • Automated Demo Creation - Automatically capture application screens or workflows to reduce time and effort in creating and updating demos.
  • Personalization Capabilities - Tailor fresh, relevant demos for specific audiences by modifying data, adding personalized text or video overlays, and customizing the demo flow.
  • Sharing and Embedding Options - Easily share demos via email, embed them on your website, or use them in live demonstrations.
  • Engagement Analytics - Access to robust analytics on demo usage (such as views, clicks, and time spent) to gain insights into prospect behavior and refine your demo strategy.
  • Integration with Business Systems - Ensure seamless integration with your CRM, marketing automation, or analytics software for smooth data flow and insight tracking.

Top 10 Demo Automation Software

1. Demostack


Demostack is a leading demo automation software that delivers personalized, interactive product demos quickly and efficiently. The no-code platform, intuitive interface, and robust features allow you to easily tailor demos to specific use cases, industries, and buyer personas.

Demostack's robust features include capturing live demos and injecting data overlays for a more personalized experience, as well as tracking engagement metrics to refine your sales approach continuously. This powerful demo automation software allows product teams to focus on innovation while enabling sales teams to win more deals faster.

Best for: B2B sales teams with complex products or a need for highly personalized demos that resonate with diverse audiences.

Price: Custom quotes available, annual pricing starts at $50,000.

Review: “Demostack has been an awesome tool to add to my tool belt when it comes to demoing and saves me a ton of time to make customizations to tell better stories.”

2. TestBox


TestBox allows you to create live, interactive demos and sandbox environments from your actual product, ensuring prospects experience the most up-to-date version. Its AI-generated data populates these environments which saves you time and effort while providing realistic use cases. It also integrates with popular CRMs and sales enablement tools.

Best for: Sales teams who want to offer prospects a hands-on experience with a live version of their product.

Price: Starts at $38,000/year for 15 users.

Review: “TestBox offers some unique solutions to our problems but their solution is still relatively new.”

3. Storylane


Storylane is a product demo builder for your go-to-market and revenue-generating team. It enables you to capture your product's interface and customize it with interactive elements like tooltips and hotspots, making demos more engaging and informative for prospects. Additionally, Storylane provides demo performance analytics to monitor viewer engagement and optimize your demos for better results.

Best for: Revenue teams seeking a user-friendly, no-code product demo solution.

Price: Four tiers - Free, Starter ($40/monthly), Growth ($100/monthly), and Enterprise (custom pricing).

Review: “We make almost daily use of Storylane to help with our demonstrations and support material.”

4. Navattic


Navattic enables the creation of interactive product demos that mirror your live application, creating pixel-perfect copies of demo environments without engineering. The flow builder transforms apps into interactive stories by allowing text, elements, and image edits. Product demos can be shared via email or embedded on websites, enhancing prospect engagement and lead generation.

Best for: Product-led growth teams needing realistic demos for various applications.

Price: Three levels - Base ($400/monthly), Growth ($1000/monthly), and Enterprise (custom pricing).

Review: “While Navattic offers powerful features for creating demos, there is room for enhancement in user interface customization options and integration capabilities.”

5. Demoboost


Demoboost allows you to create a centralized library of interactive demos that can be easily shared with prospects on-demand. The platform offers many customization options to personalize the content and track engagement metrics for insights into prospect behavior. Demoboost also integrates with various CRMs and sales enablement tools.

Best for: Sales teams for SaaS organizations that need a holistic, centralized demo solution.

Price: By inquiry

Review: “While the tool itself is maybe not yet the most robust, the team behind it is extremely helpful when it comes to support and consulting on the proper implementation.”

6. Coast


Coast helps you to create live, interactive demos that showcase your product's backend and frontend simultaneously. This is particularly useful for API products or those without a traditional user interface. Each demo environment is unique to each lead, providing a personalized experience and the ability to save changes for later reference.

Best for: Companies with API-first products.

Price: Upon request

Review: “Any API seller will gain an immediate advantage by using Coast.”

7. Omedym


Omedym transforms your existing content into an interactive demo experience by indexing every word in your videos and PDFs, making them fully searchable. This allows prospects to self-educate and explore your product in a way that's relevant to their specific needs. Omedym also provides detailed analytics and insights into buyer interest and behavior.

Best for: Companies with a wealth of existing content looking to create a self-service, buyer-centric demo experience.

Price: Private Digital Sales Room at $100/monthly, or Website Digital Sales Room at $500/monthly.

Review: “A client-facing portal takes only minutes to set up, and you get incredibly useful insights such as which pages your prospects are looking at, and for how long.”

8. Reprise


Reprise provides sales teams with tools to create and deliver interactive product demos that reset after each use, ensuring a fresh experience for every prospect. Its flexible sharing options make it easy to incorporate demos into various stages of the buyer journey. Reprise offers features like guided tours, branching scenarios, and sandbox environments.

Best for: Demo creation for enterprise sales and marketing team.

Price: By inquiry

Review:“Reprise has taken a very active role in creating a space (where) we, the customers, can connect, learn from each other, and provide feedback to Reprise.”

9. Saleo


Saleo specializes in transforming your existing product into live, data-complete, and relevant demo environments. Its no-code AI modeling engine allows for complete control over every aspect of the software, from graphs and tables to workflows and images. Saleo also offers seamless integration with popular CRM platforms to streamline your sales workflow.

Best for: Live demo automation

Price: By request

Review: “​​There isn't a whole lot to dislike, but given the company is still young there are a few features that would take it to the next level - specifically offline demo capabilities.”

10. Walnut


Walnut's demo automation software creates personalized, interactive product demos that adapt to each prospect's specific needs and interests. Its intuitive editor helps with easy customization, and its integration with popular sales tools streamlines your workflow. Walnut also offers robust analytics and A/B testing capabilities to optimize your demos.

Best for: Integrating easily with a diverse tech stack

Price: 3 tiers - Lite ($9200/annually), Pro ($20,000/annually), and Enterprise (custom pricing), plus add-ons.

Review: “Integration is a breeze and (the) learning curve and training only make that easier.”

Be Demo Ready with Demostack

The evolving landscape of B2B sales demands a personalized, self-directed buyer journey. Demo automation software has become a critical tool for streamlining sales processes, enhancing the buyer experience, and, ultimately, closing more deals.

Demostack empowers teams to create compelling personalized demos that resonate with their target audience, drive engagement, and accelerate the sales cycle. Among the many options available, Demostack stands out with its intuitive interface, robust customization options, and powerful analytics— making it an invaluable asset for sales enablement teams.

Contact us to experience the power of Demostack and discover how our innovative platform can elevate your sales performance.

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